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The beeches on Mt. Fasolo

Beeches (Fagus sylvatica) are the main trees of the Alpine broadleaf forest between 700 and 1400 metres of elevation. The presence of these trees on Colli Euganei is due to the long glacial periods during the Quaternary (1.6 million to 15,000 years ago). The Italian name of the beech (“faggio”) comes from the Greek word “phagéin”, i.e. “to eat”, because of its edible and oil-rich fruits, known as beechnuts or mast.

It is a very large and long-living tree, straight trunked, with a smooth grey bark and a thick crown. Its oval leaves have wavy and slightly dentate edges, the hanging flowers are not very conspicuous; it blooms in April and May.

Location: M. Fasolo, Cinto Euganeo Municipality: Cinto Euganeo (PD) | Region: Venetia | View on Map
More info
Huge beech on Mt. Fasolo – M. Fasolo, Cinto Euganeo
Huge beech on Mt. Fasolo – M. Fasolo, Cinto Euganeo
(photo by: PR Colli Euganei)
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